Saturday, December 8, 2012

How to Raise Responsible Children

Parents who are serious about raising academically successful children should teach them how to be responsible for their action. Children who are responsible for their actions will be serious about their school work and all activities they are involved in. These responsibilities can only be developed if the parents get involved and make sure their children take responsibility seriously. The question is how do parents make sure they are doing what is necessary to develop responsibility in their child?

This is a topic that parent s may not understand how it can impact the academic future of their children, but any positive characteristic parents can develop will be helpful to their educational future. What is important to understand is that parents who develop positive attributes for their children at a young age will help their children reap tremendous benefits later in life? Children who learn how to be responsible for their actions will also be responsible for getting their homework and assignments completed in school.

Developing responsibilities can start as early as the three years old. Teaching children how to groom themselves is a good start to being responsible. Some of the basic such as brushing teeth, combing and brushing hair should be part of the grooming process. As children grow older parents should give young children chores like cleaning their room up, cleaning up after they eating a meal, picking toys off the floor and how to sweep their bedroom floor. Participating in these chores will give children a sense of belonging to the family and being helpful for the over-all cleanliness of the house. Young children feel proud to be helping parent with grown-up activities if this process starts at an early age.

Chores are important because children will have to think and make decisions on the best and quickest way to complete the chores. This kind of thought process can help children become organized and learn how to take their responsibilities seriously. As the children grow older the chores should increase and parents may want to start some kind of allowance for their children. If parents do decide to use allowances as part of the family commitment, parents should never use allowance as a bribe to get children to do chores around the house. Allowances could be something that is used to give students who complete chores, and are being successful in school. The whole idea is to get children to do a good job at whatever they are involved in, regardless if they get a allowances or not. Parents will have to make a family decision if they will be giving allowance to their children.

When children are in elementary school they can be taught to wash dishes, mop floors, clean-up room, etc. These children should also be given a responsibility of doing their homework each night, and studying for test, and required reading on a regular schedule. If the child has after school activities, it is up to the parent to make sure they get to that activity each time it meets. If children learn the value of doing what they are responsible for the child will grow up as a responsible person, which can go a long way in being successful in school. Parents should continue to spend a lot of time talking to children and encouraging them and rewarding them when they earn a good report card. Rewards can be from encouraging words to a couple of dollars for each A.

It is a fact that parents spend less time with their children than ever before, and this can have a big impact on how children develop to be responsible as well as other positive characteristic s. If parents aren't around to help develop children they can develop bad habits. Nothing can take the place of parent interaction with their children, but having an organized plan in place to work on character building can be helpful. Some basic things that can be done to keep children on target if parents aren't at home is to develop a schedule of responsibilities. Parents should also have some way to check on children by calling home at specific times. Children will be more likely to do chores and homework if they know their parents will be checking on them regularly. Children should be made to understand the error of their ways, and there are consequences to their actions. This is a recommendation for parents who don't have the time to be with children as much as needed, but we know that nothing can replace spending quality time with children.

Another method that can be important in developing responsibility is to get the children to volunteer some of their time to help others. Children can help other children by tutoring or help older seniors who may need children to run errors for them or do some kind of volunteer work at church. Children who take on some of these responsibilities are being taught how people are relying on them. This is a good way to get children to feel good about themselves and also feel they are contributing to society. This will go a long way in developing a well rounded young person.

Anyone who has ever asked any child to do anything knows about the inevitable complaints and battles that can follow. Children's complaints can be valid or just complaints. Whatever the situation, parents should listen to them. This will help children have a sense that what they have to say is valuable. If children are constant complainers, parents need to make sure this is stopped and only valid complaints will be addressed. After everything is said the parent will probably still make them do the chores that were asked of them, but the parent took the time to listen which is very important to children. If what they are complaining about makes sense, the parents need to make some kind of adjustment. This kind of parent/child understanding can develop a strong relationship.

As children grow into their teenage year they should be knowledgeable about how to do more chores around the house including: doing the laundry, washing dishes, cooking some items, vacuuming floors and cleaning up bedroom. In addition to the chores, the children should continue the understanding the importance of doing homework each night and keep their grades up. If these qualities have been developed the future for the teenager should be brighter. In addition to what is asked at home most teenagers will be trying to have some kind of social life. This is not a problem, but parents should keep teaching about responsibilities during this time also. If teenagers want to go out with friends some kind of guidelines should be agreed upon. Parents should still have some say so on who they hang out with, where they go, how long they stay out. Parents should be very strict on teenagers keeping good grades or no social activities should be allowed. This is good time for parents to talk to their teenagers about making good choices when they go out, especially when it come to drugs, alcohol, and sex. If parents have already developed a good relationship with their teenager they will give parents a blow by blow report on what happen when they go out. This can help parents to discuss positive ways to deal with some of the problems their children may have encountered. If parents don't talk with their children they will probably have a harder time with helping teenagers when problems do occur. Whatever situation, praying can help get though these important years.

If parents have been teaching their children how to be a responsible at a young age, than when they are confronting with a difficult decision the child will most likely make a responsible choice. This is why it is very important to try and have your children hang out with other children who are also taught to be responsible. Sometimes this is not possible, because children can go to school and meet someone the parents don't approve of. That is why it is so important to have children involved in as many positive activities as possible and mingle with families who have some of the same beliefs. Once children develop some responsible characteristics they will most likely make the right decisions when confronted with peer pressure.

The responsibility that parents are trying to developing is also based on having high expectations for their children. Parents should realize that if they expect a lot from their children they will get a lot from them in return, and if they expect a little out of their children they will get a little. Parents need to understand that children can handle most things they are given. In order to be sure children live up to those expectations, parents need to continuously to stroke them and have reasonable request for them. In other words don't put the bar so high their children cannot meet those exceptions.

In making sure children understand how important it is to build some of these characteristic, parents must demonstrate positive characteristics. Parents need to demonstrate what it is like to do work around the house, what it is like to keep appointments, or socialize in a mature manner. Children watch parents very closely, so parents must understand that they need to practice what they preach. If parents are serious about raising responsible children they should be willing to live their life like a microscope, and allow children to see it. If parents make some of the commitments in this article their children will have a good chance of growing up to be a responsible person in society.

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